The forum is a platform where users can post questions for the 'community' - other users on the system - to answer.

Where is the Forum?

You can access the forum in two ways, either by clicking 'People' from the top bar, then 'Forum' or selecting 'Ask the Community a Question' or 'Search Community Post' from the 'I want to...' drop down. 

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Getting to know the Forum

Below is an example of what your forum may look like. 

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1) If you know what you are looking for, you can put keywords in the Search bar at the top of the page. 

2) You can search for a 'Topic Area'. Start typing a topic in the Topic Area search field and the system will auto-suggest tags that are on the system.

You can also click an existing tag from another post to filter by all posts with that tag selected.

3) When searching, you can order your search results by Newest First, Most Replies or Most Votes.

4) You can see how many replies the question has from the right-hand side. 

5) 'Votes' allow users to give questions a thumbs up or down - the total number is displayed on the right-hand side too. 

6) This displays the question that has been asked, with the poster's name and how long ago it was posted below. Any associated tags are displayed below this again.

7) A question can be marked 'Closed' by the admin team - this means that the question has been answered and no further replies can be posted to this particular post. 

Important Information

Before posting a question, check that it has not been asked before - using the search tools above - this avoids cluttering of the forum.

It is also important to remember that this is community support system, so any technical issues, personal or sensitive topics should be reserved for the Support channels - to learn how to contact support, read this article.

Furthermore, posts are visible to all users on the system, within your organisation or otherwise. Therefore, names and other personal details should be omitted. If you are having issues with a particular person, please contact Support.
Posting a Question

To post a question, click 'Ask the Community' from the left hand bar.

You will first need to enter a title for the post.

You will then need to enter the body of the post, typed into the box below.

As above, entering a topic area tag for the post will allow other users to search for your post, which can be done by typing keywords into the box below.

Finally, click 'Post' to post the question to the community.